Places to Eat
Be able to name different places to eat and understand what customers and servers do.

Tell the children they are going to build a place to eat. Talk about different places to eat (e.g., cafes, restaurants, food trucks, food courts, cafeterias, etc.). Tell the children that a food truck park has different trucks that sell different types of food.
Show the photograph of the LEGO® DUPLO® models for Activity 6.

Consider asking questions like:
- What kind of eating place is shown in the picture?
- Do you go out for dinner with your family? Where do you go? Which place is
your favorite? - What other eating places are in your town? Which eating places would you like
to have in your town?
- Tell the children they are going to build a place to eat, it can be a building or a
food truck. - Divide the children into pairs.
- Ask the children to work together in their pairs to build a place that serves food.
Ask the children to present their models. Consider asking questions like:
- Why did you choose to build that place?
- What can you eat there?
Talk about what the customer and server might say at the eating place. Ask the children to choose a LEGO DUPLO figure and role-play in their pairs being a customer and a server at their eating place.
Children will :
Begin to understand how different places to eat serve different types of food, and what it means to be a customer and a server.
For up to 8 children.
Children are able to discuss different places to eat and what the customers and servers do at those places.