Helping Each Other
Understand the importance of being helpful to each other.

Tell the children they will build a scene of people helping other people. Explain that people may need help for many different reasons. Tell children that elderly people may need help because they have difficulty moving around. For example, a grandparent may need help with yardwork. Explain that other people might need help because they are sick or they have faced a hardship such as losing a job. Point out that one way to help people is to give them food if they are unable to buy groceries. Tell the children that another way to help people is to cheer them up by visiting them.
Show the photograph of the LEGO® DUPLO® models for Activity 12.

Consider asking questions like:
- What do you see? How are people helping others?
- Do you help your parents at home? What do you do to help them? Why do you help them?
- Do you know any other people who might need help? Why would these people need help?
- Divide the children into pairs.
- Ask each pair of children to build a scene in which someone is helping someone else.
Ask each pair of children to present their model and tell why the people need help and how the other people have helped them. Consider asking questions like:
- Why is it important to help others?
- How do you feel when others help you?
Ask each pair of children to collaborate with another pair to role-play giving and receiving help. Explain that one pair will pretend its LEGO DUPLO figures need help and the other pair will use their figures to pretend to give help.
Children will :
Begin to understand how we can help each other in different situations, and how we can also need help from others.
For up to 8 children.
Children are able to talk about why we should help others and how we can help others.