ARROW_LEFTARROW_LEFT返回教学计划数字火车Math TrainGRADUATE学前教育初级数学与科学, 创造性探索PRINT打印SHARE分享课程Math Train(课程 1)Train Time数字火车This is a getting started activity where children will begin counting as they build tracks and start exploring sequencing and order初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟初级学前教育Math Train(课程 2)Matching numbers数字火车This is a getting started activity where the children will begin matching numbers to quantities and practice counting andrecognizing the number of objects 初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟初级学前教育Math Train(课程 3)Load the train数字火车The objective of this lesson is to practice matching numbers to quantities and practice comparing quantities初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟初级学前教育Math Train(课程 4)Check the train数字火车In this lesson, children will practice counting, and comparing quantities and sequence numbers by using the train cars. 初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟初级学前教育Math Train(课程 5)Sequencing Stops数字火车In this lesson, children will learn to sequence events, practice ordering numbers and hear and/or use sequential language 初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟中级学前教育Math Train(课程 6)Patterning Train Cars数字火车The objective of this lesson is to have children practice making patterns and recognizing patterns初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟中级学前教育Math Train(课程 7)Longest Track数字火车In this lesson, children will practice measuring, learn about standard and nonstandard measurement and compare distances and length初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟高级学前教育Math Train(课程 8)Number Friends数字火车In this lesson, children will learn to count and recognize the number of objects in a set, match numbers to quantities and practice simple addition初级数学与科学, 创造性探索30-45 分钟高级学前教育